
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Students' Parliament

StuPa is meeting once a month during lecture period. Irregular meetings will be announced here.

The next StuPa meetings are:

The rooms will still be announced 


Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

No semester ticket from winter semester 23/24

22.06.23 • admin_asta

Dear students,

A short time ago you received a request for re-registration from the IPA of the UdK. The semester fee included here is currently 117,29€. This is significantly less than usual. The reason: the semester ticket will no longer be included. From the coming semester onwards, there will therefore be no public transport ticket with which you can move freely in Berlin. 

The official reason for this: It was not possible to conclude a semester ticket contract between the AStA of the UdK Berlin and the VBB. This is not an isolated case - almost all other Asten have made the same decision. 

However, the decision against the semester ticket is complex. We would like to give you the following reasons for this decision:

  1. The AStA of the UdK is no longer active - the remaining members no longer have official powers and are therefore not allowed to sign contracts for the student body.
  2. The 49,-€ ticket (D-Ticket) is a new model that offers an attractive financial alternative to the semester ticket (approx. 33€ per month). While the Semesterticket has to be purchased permanently, the D-Ticket can be cancelled monthly. 
  3. Many students (e.g. who receives housing allowance) could benefit from a 29,-€ or 9,-€ ticket, which is being discussed in the Berlin Senate. Again, the price is cheaper and more flexible than the semester ticket.
  4. The crucial point (for all other Asten as well) is the following: According to the last available legal opinion on the semester ticket, a solidarity model is only legitimate if the price is about 50%, or at most 60%, of a comparable public transport ticket. This is no longer the case with the D-Ticket - whereby the services in the D-Ticket are even much more extensive. Without legal legitimacy, there is a possibility that students will sue against the Semesterticket solidarity model. In the worst case scenario, the entire semester ticket process would have to be reversed. The AStA would have to bear the costs. We would not have exposed ourselves to this risk in any case.

The Semesterticket solidarity model will be suspended indefinitely. We demand a clear and quick regulation for cheap public transport tickets from the politicians in the state of Berlin and the federal government. To this end, we are working with the FZS to reduce the price of the D-Ticket for students and will meet with the Senator for Science and Transport in Berlin in the summer. 

The contribution to the solidarity fund will also be suspended. This is not possible otherwise, as the solidarity fund is contractually linked to the Semesterticket solidarity model. 

The contribution to the semester ticket office will remain so that the remaining applications from the current semester can be processed.

What kind of ticket do I have to buy now?

Information material on the possible tickets for students will follow in the summer.

What else can I do?

We need a strong student community to bring back our demands around the solidarity model. Working in university political committees is an important step here. Therefore, we ask that you apply for the student parliament ("StuPa") or support and elect fellow students. More information will follow.

Why doesn't the UdK do anything?

The UdK is only responsible for making sure that the semester ticket process works. The AStA, the VBB and the state of Berlin are responsible for basic contractual matters. 

Why was the semester ticket possible last semester?

Last semester, it was not yet clear at the time the contract was signed whether and when the D-Ticket would be introduced. In addition, the Ministry of Science and Transport from the old Senate paid us a higher one-time subsidy that legitimised the solidarity model. This is not planned for the coming semester due to the new Berlin Senate, the familiarisation of the new senators and the respective interests of the parties.

Current status semester ticket & 49€ ticket

01.05.23 • admin_asta

UPDATE 31.05.2023

Dear students,

the upgrade solution is imminent - the administration of the UdK is currently examining all data protection-relevant points at full speed in order to be able to guarantee you secure access. 

The process:

  1. You log in to a UdK portal (https://abo.ride-ticketing.de/app/login?partnerId=b70f6159a989f9e14b71768f01de7d56) with your campus management access data (Oase access data).
  2. In the following you will get an overview of the data that have to be transmitted - you have to agree to this.
  3. You will be taken to the so-called "Campus Portal", a platform of the BVG in cooperation with the service provider "RIDE".
  4. You choose when you want the subscription to start (only possible on the 1st of the month).
  5. You add the information about the ticket holder.
  6. You will now be shown an order overview and offered a payment method (PayPal, credit card, SEPA).
  7. You will be redirected and complete the payment process.
  8. You will receive your digital ticket and can start your journey immediately.


Dear students,

Please note that the 49€ ticket valid as of today is not included in the semester ticket!

The AStA, the UdK, the VBB and the Berlin Ministry of Transport are currently working on an upgrade solution. This upgrade will be bookable on a voluntary basis and will cost 13.95 euros/month for each student. The total will be the €49 ticket minus the regular semester ticket price per month (€35.05). 

We are working towards introducing the ticket on 01 June 2023.

Until then, there are still some questions to be answered. 

- For example, we do not yet know whether the upgrade model can be booked on a monthly basis or whether it has to be paid for the rest of the semester.

- We are currently checking whether the machines at the UdK can print the 49€ ticket on the semester ticket.

As soon as there is more information about the upgrade model, we will let you know. 

Thank you for your understanding

Your AStA

Paid Opportunity: Student Election Committee

28.03.23 • admin_asta

Dear students,

next May it's that time again: the StuPa election is coming up and we are looking for committed members for the Student Election Committee (SWV). As a member of the SWV, you have the chance to be directly involved in the organisation and implementation of the election and thus make an important contribution to the democratic shaping of our university.

We are looking for a total of three people for the election committee, who will jointly plan and conduct the election. It is an advantage if you already have experience with election procedures or can quickly familiarise yourself with new topics. But also newcomers are welcome and will be actively supported by us.

As a member of the SWV you have a responsible task: you plan and organise the election, make sure it runs smoothly and announce the election results. In return, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field of democratic participation and to expand your skills in organising processes.

In addition to the members of the election committee, we are also looking for election helpers to support us in preparing and conducting the election. Again, it is not a prerequisite to have previous experience. We are happy about every helping hand!

The election committee is actively supported by the central election committee. They will draw up a timetable and schedule for the election, help with advertising the election and provide you with all the necessary information and materials.

And the best part? As a board member you can receive up to €600 tax-free, regardless of your current job. As an election worker you can receive up to €300. And that too, tax-free and independent!

We are accepting applications for the election committee and election workers until 14.04.2023. Please send your application to stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de and briefly describe how you have

  • have previous experience in organising activities

  • have experience or interest in university politics and

  • have ideas on how to reach as many students as possible for the election.

    If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to receiving your applications and to meeting you.

    Best regards The StuPa

Vacancy Semesterticket office

06.02.23 • admin_asta

We are looking for three new employees for the TU/ UDK/ ASH Semester Ticket Office of the AStA of the TU Berlin as of 01.04.2023.

What is the Semester Ticket Office?

The semester ticket office is an institution of the student body. The main task of the Semester Ticket Office is to administer the social fund from which subsidies for the semester ticket are paid out. We also exempt students from paying the semester ticket fee if, for example, they are not in Berlin for study reasons or cannot use the ticket for another recognised reason according to the semester ticket statutes. Our way of working is collective and self-organised, which means a lot of work, but also a lot of room for our own ideas and design.

What needs to be done?

  • personal and telephone counselling
  • file processing, database maintenance, cooperation with other university administrative departments and communication with transport companies
  • working self-organised in a collective and developing the work and tasks of the Semesterticket Collective further
  • negotiating with the VBB about the semester ticket

The following skills are desirable:

  • ability to work in a team, social competence, reliability, open and friendly manner
  • independent and reliable assumption of responsibility and a desire to contribute to the collective independently
  • Knowledge of german and foreign languages
  • Willingness to get to know the university's political structures and to work in ASTA
  • Open, friendly and patient approach to applicants and in counselling situations
  • Willingness to familiarise yourself with the databases of the semester ticket office and to deal with bureaucratic procedures.

The job offers the following:

  • A working time of 40-60 hours per month (optionally, a different number of hours per month is possible)
  • Employment 13,00€/hour gross
  • A fixed-term appointment of two years (option to extend is currently unclear).
  • The opportunity to work in a self-organised way and to develop the area of responsibility creatively.
  • an open and appreciative working atmosphere

We would particularly like to encourage applications from

  • People with care responsibilities for children (esp. single parents) or relatives.
  • People who are female, queer, trans* and/or inter*.
  • People with a migrant background and/or BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour), Jews, people who are racially marked.
  • People who have to earn their own living.
  • People with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
  • Severely disabled people are given preference if they are equally qualified.
  • For us, enrolment at the TU Berlin or UdK Berlin is an important criterion.

Please send your meaningful application with CV and WITHOUT photo until 21.02.2023 (date of receipt) to:

AStA TU Berlin

Sek.: TK 2, Finanzreferat

Straße des 17 Juni 135

10623 Berlin

The interviews will probably take place in the 9th/10th week of 2023.

Attention: The post to us can take a very long time. Therefore, please send your application in time! We do not accept applications by mail.