
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

MyMATE für UdK-Studierende in höheren Semestern

20.09.21 • admin_asta

Hi MATE - someone needs you!

Share your knowledge with new international Master's students at UdK Berlin. Become part of the MyMATE programme and support an MA student from your study programme during their first months at the university.

You are ...

  • studying for a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree (at least in your 5th semester)
  • interested in international and intercultural exchange
  • motivated to participate in accompanying workshops (e.g. intercultural diversity trainings, anti-bias and anti-racism workshops) and in joint events

Your tasks ...

  • support 1-2 new students from your study programme
  • assist them with their arrival and orientation in Berlin
  • help them ease into life and study at UdK Berlin, i.e.
    • answer their questions about their studies
    • explain subject-specific questions
    • help resolve problems with lecturers (or refer them to the MyMATE team)

Your gains ...

  • certificate of participation for your voluntary work at UdK Berlin (prerequisite: short report on your experience, participation in at least 1 workshop)
  • free workshops on intercultural diversity competencies, anti-racism and unconscious bias with other UdK students
    (We recommend participating in at least two of these workshops.)
  • international contacts for joint artistic projects, ensembles/chamber music, correpetition etc.
  • participation in joint networking events for all MATEs (e.g. check-in event to get to know each other, cooking night, picnic, walks through the different Berlin districts).

We support you through ...

  • a kick-off event before the semester starts with other MATEs and the new MA students
  • a detailed introduction to your tasks (guide for MATEs)
  • a free workshop programme to enhance your intercultural and diversity skills (during the semester)
  • intercultural counselling and support in case of questions, problems or conflicts. The MyMATE team is made up of trained intercultural and diversity trainers. (Contact the MyMATE team)

Registration as a MATE

MyMATE - Sign me up!

You would like to support a new international Master's student starting at UdK Berlin? Wonderful! We just need some information about you, which will hopefully allow us to match you with a new student from your degree programme.

Your personal data will only be stored for the purposes of the MyMATE programme and only for the duration of your involvement with MyMATE.

We will pass on the most important information about you (name, degree programme, semester) as well as your contact details (email, phone number) to your MATE so that you can communicate with each other.

We will try to find a MATE for you from the same or a similar course of study. However, we cannot guarantee this.

Sign up here

SemTix-Demonstration am 16.09.

14.09.21 • admin_asta



+++Am 16.09. um 11 Uhr vor dem VBB-Hauptsitz am Ostbahnhof+++

Liebe*r Studi,

du hast es bestimmt schon mitbekommen: dein Semesterticket soll teurer werden – VIEL teurer. Nach den „allerneuesten Berechnungen” hat der VBB festgestellt, dass das Semesterticket für Berlin und Brandenburg ganze 307,50 €; also über 600 Euro pro Jahr kosten müsse.
Für viele von uns schlicht unbezahlbar!

Als Studierende haben wir in den letzten 1,5 Jahren brav unser Semesterticket bezahlt – und es faktisch kaum genutzt. Während andere ihre Abos kündigen konnten, zahlten wir weiter und halfen dem ÖPNV durch die Krise - und als Dankeschön fordern der VBB und die lokalen Verkehrsunternehmen weitere Erhöhungen von den knapp 210.000 Studierenden aus Berlin und Brandenburg – also uns.

Wir sagen: Es reicht!

Sei dabei und sei laut!

Wir treffen uns am Donnerstag (16.09.) vor dem VBB (Stralauer Platz 29, 10243 Berlin) gleich neben dem Berliner Ostbahnhof um 11:00 Uhr.

Mehr Informationen zur Demonstration und den gesamten Aufruf findest du hier.