
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Students' Parliament

StuPa is meeting once a month during lecture period. Irregular meetings will be announced here.

The next StuPa meetings are:

The rooms will still be announced 


Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

All upcoming exams will not take place until further notice.

19.03.20 • admin_asta • Corona

The State Secretary for Science and Research and the Berlin universities agreed on the procedure for the upcoming examinations. 
For the Berlin University of the Arts this means the following: 
All upcoming exams will be cancelled until further notice. They will be offered at a later date.
The Berlin universities have also agreed that deadlines for the registration and submission of Bachelor's and Master's theses, dissertations and comparable study and examination papers, as well as doctoral deadlines will be extended by two months. There may be further adjustments to these deadlines if the university is suspended for a longer period of time and the libraries are also closed for longer periods. 

Updates on Visa and Residency permits

18.03.20 • admin_asta • Corona

UdK has been notified by the Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA, formerly „Ausländerbehörde“) that until further notice, all current statuses are simply remaining intact (i.e. at least until LEA, who like all public offices in Berlin right now are on a skeleton service due to the pandemic-related measures, can resume work). 
This also means that exchange students can assume their exchange semester is being extended.
Anyone who intends to leave the country, can also do so with no problem in this regard. 

The project funding will be cancelled until further notice

18.03.20 • admin_asta • Corona

The project funding will be cancelled until further notice! The measures have been decided due to the corona situation of AStA UdK. We are currently working on a new system for the distribution of funds during the time of the closure of the university. 

Project funding will be offered at a later date. 

UdK Berlin will close its buildings to students and the public from 18 March 2020

14.03.20 • admin_asta • Corona

The Berlin University of the Arts sees it as its duty to protect the health of all its members and to counteract further spread of the coronavirus. After the cancellation of concerts, exhibitions and other events, the university management has now decided to minimize the number of social contacts in the university so that the transmission of the virus in the rooms is prevented as far as possible. This means that the buildings will be closed to the public and students from Wednesday, 18 March 2020 until further notice. In addition, the closure of all buildings has been ordered daily from 8 pm and on weekends, and the cafeterias will be closed from that date. Only lecturers and members of the administration and service departments will be allowed access to the buildings in order to ensure the basic operation of the university. Students will be informed promptly about the handling of examinations already scheduled. Applications for the winter semester will be accepted by mail. 
The modalities of the entrance examinations will be announced in due course.

Updates according current developments: https://www.udk-berlin.de/en/home/news/faqs-coronavirus/