
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

Butterbutter-projekt <OPEN CALL> ఇ 2020

27.05.20 • admin_asta

For asian artist in Berlin!
APPLY NOW!!!! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

<Butterbutter-projekt> is an online platform based project against racism happening in the time of Pandemic caused by COVID-19, which began with the five Korean artists in Berlin, using the German idiom ‘Alles in Butter (= Everything is okay)' as a slogan. We are collecting each voices of an Asian Community living in Berlin about racism in their real lives.

The goal of this project is to collect racist experiences that individuals feel as Asians in Berlin. Even a bit weird, creative imagination is welcome. Please check the website for more information.

[Eligibility for application]
Asian artist living in Berlin (everyone is an artist, you know)

[Link for Project Application] https://forms.gle/mox4kML4bxysxmzu8

[Project homepage]https://butterbutterprojekt.com

[Project related information]
There is 5 euros of butter grants and we try to collect the work of as many artists as possible. The application also asks what you will do with butter, to avoid overlapping with other artists. In addition, after the project online platform, we will endeavor to continue the project such as publishing, and we will announce it individually in the future.

[Application duration]
Application duration ~ 15.06.2020
Complete work and upload online 01.07.2020

[Questions] santanchoi@gmail.com

"Eigenart" is digital from 11th of May!

29.04.20 • admin_asta

The online magazine will be available on www.eigenart-magazin.de on 11 May.

We need students to talk. With these thoughts in mind, we have started to digitize 'Eigenart', (the student magazine of the AStA of the UdK). 

The online magazine not only contains a new form, but also a new vision. We look at the magazine from a new perspective. That's why we have moved away from the classic categories of the website. The new understanding of 'originality' has given us a new identity and a new design. 

Now the medium functions not only as an art magazine with a theme, but also as a weekly newspaper with current topics. We are combining these two aspects, giving more students the opportunity to have their voice heard. 

You can now use 'Eigenart' every day. To see what art projects your fellow students are working on. To learn about current issues in your student world. To publish your own articles and art projects. The main thing - we create a communication between all of us. 

After all, the University of the Arts is a kind of small world with its own history and development, which needs a platform for freedom of expression just like other worlds. 

We are looking forward to the 11th of May to show you our work of the last months and to continue together. 

Online climate strike on 24.April (Friday) at 12 o'clock !

23.04.20 • admin_asta

Alles dreht sich um Corona! Allerdings dreht sich auch die Erde weiter. Und mit ihr schreitet der Klimawandel voran. Aber: Auch der Protest geht weiter! 

In den Möglichkeiten uns zu versammeln sind wir zwar eingeschränkt, aber kommenden Freitag wird online weitergestreikt für eine wirkungsvolle Klimapolitik. 

Du kannst von zuhause aus mitmachen, indem Du Dich ganz kurz hier https://fridaysforfuture.de/netzstreikfursklima mit Deinem Streikplakat (oder ohne) einträgst. Keine Angst, Du musst keine »Aktionen« planen und Dein genauer Stand- oder Wohnort wird auch nicht angezeigt. Das Ganze gleicht von der Idee her eher einer Petition mit Karte. Wenn Du Dich einträgst, zeigst Du: Du forderst mit Fridays for Future Klimagerechtigkeit – jetzt. Um dieser Forderung Nachdruck zu verleihen, brauchen wir aber möglichst viele Teilnehmende. Auf der Website wie auch auf vielen Social Media Kanälen wird es am Freitag um 12:00 Uhr außerdem einen Demo-Livestream geben mit Aktionen, Musik und verschiedenen Inputs.

Also sei dabei! Lasst uns aus den eigenen vier Wänden über nationale Grenzen hinweg Haltung zeigen für mehr Klimagerechtigkeit!

Nightline: Listening telephone for students during the Corona crisis

14.04.20 • admin_asta • Corona

The ceiling is falling on your head? You're lonely, you're scared, you just want to talk? Fast and anonymous help is offered by Nightline Berlin, a listening telephone for Berlin students. A telephone service was set up especially for the Corona crisis: Every Tuesday and Thursday evening the Nightline can be reached at 030 2093 70666. Every call is free of charge. The student listeners* are trained in how to conduct conversations. They offer an unprejudiced, appreciative conversation at eye level. It does not matter with which concern you call. If necessary, they can also be put through to professional help centres. More information is available on Facebook (www.facebook.com/NightlineBerlineV/), Instagram (instagram.com/nightline.berlin/) and at www.nightline.berlin.