The election of the student parlaments of the UdK Berlin will be on 11 - 12 December 2018.
You can be a candidate as well!
The application form (in German):
or see on the left hand side: Wahlvorschlag
Candidates must send their application to the student electoral board (German: studentischer Wahlvorstand) on the form issued by him by 04.12.2018. They are issued by the IPA or are sent by the electoral committee ( Filled out either by mail or by post or in-house mail to the porter please send to the following address:
AStA UdK Berlin
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss der Universität der Künste Berlin
"StuPa Wahlvorschlag 2018"
Hardenbergstraße 33
D-10623 Berlin
The list of candidates will be announced on 4 Dec 2018 on the Website of AStA. (
Wie wird gewählt? How will it be elected?
Democratically! The ballot will be a proportional representation. Unless there is only one list of candidate, then it will be a majority vote. Do not forget your Student ID to vote! The vote count is public. It will be taken place in the Room 9 of Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin on 12 Dec 2018.
Postal voting is possible upon written request to the electoral committee, c / o AStA UdK, Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin. The application must be received by the electoral board on 04.12.2018, 15.00. Then we send the election documents to your home address. The form for postal voting can be found in the rooms of AStAs or on request by email ( . Who has made use of the ballot box, may no longer participate in the postal voting. The postal vote must be received by the electoral committee on 12.12.2018, 16:30, until the end of the election campaign.
Objections to the provisional election result must be handed into the competent electoral committee no later than three working days after notification and justified in writing.
Attached you will find the form for the election proposal and the constitution of the StuPa (including election regulations).
The elections are based on the following rules: (In German)
Berliner Hochschulgesetz (BerlHG) i.d.F. vom 26. Juli 2011 (GVBl. S. 378)
Hochschul-Wahlgrundsätze-Verordnung (HWGVO) vom 26.08.1998 (GVBl. 249), zuletzt geändert durch Verordnung vom 24.11.2014 (GVBl. 525),
Grundordnung der Hochschule der Künste Berlin vom 05.02.2014(UdK-Anzeiger 3/2015),
Wahlordnung der Universität der Künste Berlin (WO UdK) vom 31. August 2016 (UdK-Anzeiger 7/2016) und
Satzung der Studierendenschaft der UdK vom 09.05.2012 sowie Wahlordnung für die Wahlen zum Studierendenparlament der UdK Berlin vom 09.05.2012 veröffentlicht im UdK-Anzeiger vom 28.01.2013 (2/2013).