We are in cooperation with Studium Generale and would like to inform you about the following course:
AStA, Referat Antidiskriminierung Finding Positions – Eine Veranstaltung von Studierenden für Studierende Moderation: Samara Hammud
Seminar, German/English, 1 SWS, 1 LP
Thursday, 16-18:00, 5 Meetings: 25.4., 9.5., 23.5., 6.6., 20.6.2019, (27.6. as an alternative date or for discussing the projects), Hardenbergstraße 33, Room 102
This seminar is a safe and open space where social issues related to any kind of discrimination in the context of one's own person and their creative work can be reflected and discussed. The aim is to strengthen the individual positions and thus also to broaden the understanding for other positions.
Based on the cultures, origins, sexes and experiences of the individual participants, socially critical positions will be worked out and defined. This event aims to create more understanding and awareness towards each other, but also for oneself and work in the current social context.
There will be no teacher, so that knowledge cannot simply be passed on, but can be developed together in discussions and debates. However, in order to create a common level of discussion and to be able to use the given time in a concentrated way, the contents of the sessions are sketched in advance and supported by literature. We will exchange personal experiences, reflect and discuss together, answer questions and ask even more questions, read together, get to know new positions and identify with them or not. This seminar is not about looking at sensitive social-critical topics from a safe distance or abstracting them. Rather, it will be about recognizing the immediate proximity of these problems and about putting aside the fear of unintentionally saying something wrong.
The results, in the form of artistic works, should work up and present the questions and answers arising in the discourse. Possible are brochures, posters, flyers, installations and short videos, which can also be exhibited during the tour. In addition to the individual projects of the participating students, there will also be a public online documentation of the entire joint process.
Main focuses:
Orientation of the event: intercultural, critical
Competence/activity of the participants: reflect/think, articulate
Samara Hammud studies visual communication at the UdK Berlin in the eighth semester. Since February of this year she has been a member of the AStA, where she occupies the department for anti-discrimination and intercultural affairs.