
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Students' Parliament

StuPa is meeting once a month during lecture period. Irregular meetings will be announced here.

The next StuPa meetings are:

The rooms will still be announced 


Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

Campus Climate Gardens Charlottenburg: The raised garden beds are now ready for planting

01.04.19 • admin_asta

Message from Campus Climate Gardens Charlottenburg:

Sunny spring greetings ! 
The raised beds are now ready for construction...  

We have now screwed together all outer and inner parts of the raised beds ( see photos in the appendix ) ! 

In the meantime some boards for the tables and seats have been primed.  

The pick-up of the 2m³ Terra-Preta black earth in the Botanical Garden at the project https://terraboga.de has been postponed to Tuesday 16 o'clock, who wants to help with the earth shoveling and also wants to have a look at the charcoal pyrolysis plant there, please let us know again. 

Workshop times in the SE building (location see new map attached): 
Monday 11 o'clock to min 20 o'clock 
Terra-Preta Pick-up: 15:45 Meeting point BoGa entrance Am Fichtenberg 17, map attached or online: 
Tuesday 11 o'clock to min 20 o'clock 
Wednesday 11 am to min 20 pm

You can tell your friends, work & study colleagues* about it, 
so that there are always many people to help ! 
Even if you only have 1 to 2 hours a day, this supports the CampusGärten ! 
if you help with the building, you can choose a campus high bed for gardening ;-) 

Besides coffee and tea we also have beer in the SE building at the start of the construction of the raised beds. 

CampusGärten~Werkstatt in the SE building, just a stone's throw from the BIB, see 
-> OSM card or new card in appendix :

We can always use further tools (especially cordless screwdrivers and drills)...

We are also looking for more usable "waste wood" as a donation!!!

Semester ticket: Red–red–green coalition punishes the solidarity model politically

01.04.19 • admin_asta

Dear Students,

You may already have heard it from the press: soon trainees (DE: Azubis) will be able to use public transport throughout Berlin and Brandenburg for 365€ a year. This is much cheaper than before and therefore great for now. Nevertheless, we are outraged about the development, because: First, students pay more for less: the semester ticket for 387,60€ per year only includes the Berlin ABC area. Secondly, this completely ignores the fact that the semester ticket works in a solidarity model. Solidarity model means solidarity financing: everyone has to buy the ticket, but everyone* can travel cheaper. This is socially and environmentally progressive, because once you have a ticket, you will be more likely to use it. It ensures the mobility of all students - regardless of their financial situation - and promotes low-fine particulate matter and climate-friendly means of transport in the city. Now the red-red-green state government in particular is punishing this model by loosening funds in order to subsidise trainee tickets unilaterally instead of investing these funds fairly and sustainably in public transport - or by encouraging the solidarity model of season tickets for other status groups as well; for trainees and sometime for all Berliners. That is not possible! The Semesterticketbeauftragter of the Berliner ASten invite the government fractions to the statement and to the discussion with us! Outrage yourselves with us! We are happy about every form of creative protest! Here you can address your complaints directly to the responsible offices of the government factions: 




Source of the image: 


Sebastian Rittau [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)]

AStA Department of Anti-Discrimination: Finding Positions - An Event by Students for Students

28.03.19 • admin_asta

We are in cooperation with Studium Generale and would like to inform you about the following course:

AStA, Referat Antidiskriminierung Finding Positions – Eine Veranstaltung von Studierenden für Studierende Moderation: Samara Hammud

Seminar, German/English, 1 SWS, 1 LP
Thursday, 16-18:00, 5 Meetings: 25.4., 9.5., 23.5., 6.6., 20.6.2019, (27.6. as an alternative date or for discussing the projects), Hardenbergstraße 33, Room 102

This seminar is a safe and open space where social issues related to any kind of discrimination in the context of one's own person and their creative work can be reflected and discussed. The aim is to strengthen the individual positions and thus also to broaden the understanding for other positions.
Based on the cultures, origins, sexes and experiences of the individual participants, socially critical positions will be worked out and defined. This event aims to create more understanding and awareness towards each other, but also for oneself and work in the current social context.
There will be no teacher, so that knowledge cannot simply be passed on, but can be developed together in discussions and debates. However, in order to create a common level of discussion and to be able to use the given time in a concentrated way, the contents of the sessions are sketched in advance and supported by literature. We will exchange personal experiences, reflect and discuss together, answer questions and ask even more questions, read together, get to know new positions and identify with them or not. This seminar is not about looking at sensitive social-critical topics from a safe distance or abstracting them. Rather, it will be about recognizing the immediate proximity of these problems and about putting aside the fear of unintentionally saying something wrong.
The results, in the form of artistic works, should work up and present the questions and answers arising in the discourse. Possible are brochures, posters, flyers, installations and short videos, which can also be exhibited during the tour. In addition to the individual projects of the participating students, there will also be a public online documentation of the entire joint process.

Main focuses:
Orientation of the event: intercultural, critical
Competence/activity of the participants: reflect/think, articulate

Samara Hammud studies visual communication at the UdK Berlin in the eighth semester. Since February of this year she has been a member of the AStA, where she occupies the department for anti-discrimination and intercultural affairs.

CampusGärten Charlottenburg

21.03.19 • admin_asta

CampusGarden Charlottenburg Urban Agriculture at the TU and UdK Berlin

For detailed information, please refer to the attached PDF file. (Only in German)

Project seminars "CampusGärten Charlottenburg - Urbane Landwirtschaft in Lehre, Forschung & Praxis" is about the implementation and expansion of a network of productive campus gardens on the Charlottenburg campus of the Technical University and the University of the Arts Berlin for the sustainable use of the site in the sense of an edible campus. The aim is to implement a future-oriented use component of the campus and to consolidate the innovative topic of urban agriculture in teaching and research.

CampusGärten and CampusDachGärten consisting of raised beds, pergolas, arcaded seats and façade greening elements on the Charlottenburg campus will be created for this purpose and managed on a long-term basis by neighbouring departments, employees and student groups (CampusGärten sponsorships).

Insect and wild bee hotels as well as bird nesting boxes are integrated to further promote biodiversity. In addition, possibilities are to be created to cultivate edible mushrooms on the campus.


Probably this Friday or Saturday the group will start to screw the raised beds together. The group urgently need your further help with parts production, assembling and setting up the new raised beds, benches & tables on the TU campus.

The next week will mainly be screwed together, in the first week of April the new raised beds will be planted and the benches will be set up. 

21 March 2019 (Thursday): 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
22. March 2019 (Friday) 10-19 o'clock and on Saturday 14-19 o'clock ! 
who helps with the building can then choose a campus raised bed for gardening ;-) 

Besides coffee and tea, the group will also have beer in the SE building at the start of the construction of the raised beds. 

WERKSTATT in the SE building - map (or graphic in the appendix): https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/52.51098/13.32909

Please bring tools & material with you: 

( ) Hand tools and/or tool box 
( ) Chop saw
( ) Drilling machines
( ) cordless screwdrivers/ bits 
( ) Jigsaw
( ) Circular hand saw
( ) Hand grinder/ sandpaper 
( ) Cable drum/ cable 
( ) Measuring tape/ folding rule
( ) Angle
( ) Gardening equipment
( ) Seeds to be preferred 
( ) or bring plants with you. 
( ) Other?