
General Students' Committee

The AStA is currently only available to a very limited extent. The Student Parliament (StuPa) is working flat out to re-staff and rebuild the AStA. They are in contact for you at stupa@asta-udk-berlin.de.

Consultations for Social Affairs:
Not available.



Student Councils' Conference (FSRK)

FSRK is meeting at least two times per semester.
Next meeting:

Ordinary FSRKs in SoSe 2024:

  • Thu, 23.05.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 20.06.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)
  • Thu, 25.07.2024 (room 9, Ha 33)

Share your experience on discrimination in campus

16.04.19 • admin_asta

Share your experience: Did you experience discrimination due to your gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, age, health or language ability at the UdK? The AStA is collecting reports in order to raise the awareness of the faculties about the current situation at the UdK. You may write to anti-dis@asta-udk-berlin.de

All the reports will be kept anonymous.

Stellenausschreibung: AStA-Büro

09.04.19 • admin_asta

Ausschreibung einer Stelle für das

Büro des AStA

Der Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss der UdK Berlin sucht eine studentische Hilfskraft für das Protokoll-schreiben und seine Büroorganisation im Umfang von 20 Stunden pro Monat. Die Tätigkeit wird nach Tarifvertrag

TVStud III mit einem derzeitigen Stundenlohn von 12,30 Euro vergütet. Die Anstellung ist auf ein Jahr befristet.

Eine Verlängerung ist möglich und erwünscht.

Anstellungsbeginn: 01. Juni 2019


• Protokollieren der Sitzungen des AStA und Nachbereitung der angefertigten Protokolle

• Archivieren und Einpflegen der Protokolle auf der Webseite und dem Server des AStA

• Betreuung eines E-Mail-Accounts (Weiterleitung von Gremieneinladungen und Annahme von Anträgen)

• ggf. Bestellen von Büromaterial


• Immatrikulation an einer deutschen Hochschule

• sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Rechtschreibung und Sprache

• Kenntnisse vom Verfassen von Inhalts- und Beschlussprotokollen (oder die Bereitschaft, diese zu erwerben)

• gute Kenntnisse von Office-Anwendungen

• Erfahrungen im Pflegen von Webseiten (oder die Bereitschaft, diese zu erwerben)

• Diskretion und Verschwiegenheit, insbesondere bei nicht-öffentlichen Angelegenheiten

Die Sitzungen des AStA finden während der Vorlesungszeit wöchentlich und in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit zweimal

im Monat statt, das Zeitfenster wird dabei jeweils auf ein bis drei Stunden angesetzt.

Die Sitzungstermine werden einvernehmlich zwischen allen Teilnehmer*innen (also auch dir) vereinbart, in der

Regel finden die Sitzungen montags um 18:00 Uhr statt.

Der AStA setzt sich für eine antidiskriminatorische Einstellungspolitik ein und legt Wert auf Chancengleichheit und Diversität. Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung und/oder -hintergrund sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Anerkannte Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Bitte weise auf deine Schwerbehinderung ggf. bereits in der Bewerbung hin.

Schicke dein Bewerbungsschreiben als PDF mit Lebenslauf (ohne Foto) bis zum 01. Mai 2019


Christine Reiß, Referat für Personal

E-Mail: personal@asta-udk-berlin.de

Sollten wir dich anhand deiner Unterlagen für geeignet halten, werden wir dich in der darauffolgenden Woche zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch einladen. Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Aufruf zur Demonstration #MIETENWAHNSINN Samstag 6.4.2019

05.04.19 • admin_asta

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/berlingegenmietenwahnsinn/photos/gm.1817173615055163/252922252257345/?type=3&theater

Dear fellow students,

the "right to housing" is not only enshrined in the Berlin Constitution but also in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[1] This is a good thing and fortunately also includes us students. Unfortunately, the alarm bells are ringing all over the city every year, just in time for the start of the semester. The demand exceeds the supply many times over, especially at this time. Anyone who has had to attend an apartment inspection or a WG casting knows how tense the minds of the seekers are. A climate of fear of social decline, displacement and not least homelessness pervades the streets, hallways and shared kitchens of this city. At the start of last semester, the StudierendenWERK had to repeatedly set up emergency accommodation for students in order to cushion the danger of homelessness.

It takes one to three semesters to wait for a place in the StudierendenWERK dormitory. No wonder, since there are only 9500 places for just under 191,000 students (WS 2018/19). With a rate of just under 5 %, Berlin is thus at the bottom of the league in comparison with other countries. After all, this is where people react and rebuild. But 5000 new places by 2022 are still clearly too few.

The majority of students are therefore dependent on the private housing market. In no other German city are prices for shared flats rising as rapidly as in Berlin. An average of EUR 397 is now charged per shared room, eight percent more than in the previous year. A 30 m² one-room apartment costs on average a whopping EUR 523 warm room (4% more than in 2018).[2] The BAföG maximum rate (EUR 735 for > 25 year olds) only includes a flat rate of EUR 250. In view of market prices, these are merely symbolic payments that deliberately allow full-time students to slip below the poverty line without a part-time job.

In a FU event at the start of the 2017 semester, it was calculated that full-time students spend 53 hours a week on their studies. For those who have to earn money in addition to their studies, the overload is pre-programmed. The housing market, the education system and the precarious working conditions for student employees: all of these have an impact on our lives and our health. This is also shown in the current Barmer Arztreport. In 2016, for example, 38% more mental illnesses were diagnosed among 18- to 25-year-olds than in 2005 - in the case of depression, the figure was even 76% higher[3].

The student self-administration tries to support the students wherever possible with legal consultations and counselling. But also here our offers are often overcrowded, questions of tenancy law are increasing and more and more students are telling us that they have to take a break or quit their studies due to financial and/or psychological reasons. The LandesAstenKonferenz, to which the AStA FU also belongs, also launched a campaign on the subject of "housing" last year. We are trying to create a public that encourages those responsible in politics to act.

What applies to BAFöG, university policy and collective bargaining for student employees also applies to improving the housing situation of students. Countable results can only be produced if we organise ourselves and show solidarity. With strikes, civil disobedience and constant pressure, we have the chance to bring about improvements here too. The right to housing is a human right. But it is not justiciable and that is why we have to fight for it. That is why we must take to the streets! Let us demonstrate together for a new housing policy that also represents our interests!

Let's start on Saturday, 6 April 2019 at 12 noon at Alexanderplatz.

Call for demonstration: https://www.mietenwahnsinn.info/ 

More about the LAK campaign: https://www.lak-berlin.de/tag/wohnen/ 

1]https://www.amnesty.de/mit-menschenrechten-gegen-armut/wohnen-wuerde/das-recht-auf-wohnen-stoppt-rechtswidrige-zwangsraeumu (as at 19.3.2019) 

https://www.berlin.de/rbmskzl/regierender-buergermeister/verfassung/artikel.41548.php (as at 19.3.2019) [2] 

https://www.wg-suche.de/wg-zimmer-kosten [3] 

Barmer Medical Report 2018:https://www.barmer.de/blob/144354/4b9c44d83dc8e307aef527d981a4beeb/data/dl-pressemappe-barmer-arztreport2018.pdf (as at: 19.3.2019)

REGISTRATION: Seminars/Workshops/Lectures of the Studium Generale in SoSe 2019

04.04.19 • admin_asta

Studium Generale have put all our courses online, and for Monday the annotated course catalogue.

Studium Generale's own seminars and workshops can be found both on the Studium Generale website and in the UdK's online course catalogue:



The open courses can be found here: https://www.udk-berlin.de/fremdgehen

Online registration for courses is possible from Monday, 1.4.2019!


Here you will also find further and always up-to-date information. Please note that you need your UdK login and password!

If you don't have it, please contact Studium Generale directly by mail (and matriculation number): studium-generale@udk-berlin.de​​​​​​​