Workshop 22.06. - Raising Awareness: Racism, Racialization, Critical Whiteness – An Introduction

What: Workshop

When: 06/22/2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m

Where: Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin, R9

Who: Mutlu Ergün-Hamaz (Officer for Diversity & Anti-Discrimination UdK Berlin)

Registration till 19.06.:

Registration by the 19th of June is necessary!

The workshop "Raising Awareness" is about an introduction to the topics of racialization and critical whiteness. The participants are brought up to date with regard to racism research. It will therefore be more about a factual, scientifically sound lecture on which we will exchange ideas and, if necessary, develop strategies together for the promotion of diversity, empowerment and intersectional anti-discrimination at the UdK Berlin. At the same time, personal reflection is extremely important in this area, and the workshop will provide a few pointers in this direction.