Climate Day Invitation - 29.04.2022

More info can be found on Instagram @fridaysforfuture.tuberlin.


Stage program
12:00       Opening
12:15        Opening speech of the presidency of the TU and UdK
12:25        Universotyplans for climate protection
13:00        Sustain.all
14:00        Solarpunk
16:15        Climate facts FridaysForFuture Berlin
17:00        Berlin Trees + Me
18:00        Sänger*innen der UdK
19:00        Brass Riot

Präsentationen im UNI.T der UdK
12:15       Planetary embodyment Presentation
14:15       Movie "Dear Future Children"

Illustration of a group of people at a outdoor fair.  Text reads "WeIllustration of a group of people at a outdoor fair. Text reads "We're hosting a Climate Day." 29. April. Open air. UdK Berlin and TU.

Dear students,

we would like to invite you to the Climateday on the 29th of April 2022 from 12am to 8pm. It is taking place at erweiterte Hertzallee and in UNI.T of UdK. Climate justice and sustainability are discussed and presented from various viewpoints. Listen to inputs, get involved in workshops or enjoy concerts and much more. You can get in touch with initiatives and projects from your university and learn what is done for climate justice at the campus.

The Climate day is a joint project of the TU Berlin and the UdK. On this day, we would like to draw attention to climate justice and sustainability, as well as strengthen the exchange between universities on these important topics. For this purpose, we have put together a diverse program.

Initiatives and Workshops
Ingenieure ohne Grenzen
Solar AG : "Wie baut man eine Photovoltaik Inselanlage?"
Gardenproject UdK
FFF TU Berlin, AG Klima UdK &Klasse Klima
Planetary Embodyment Presentation
Berlin autofrei e.V: Bauworkshop "Sitzemöbel statt Parkplatz"
Sustainable Handprints
Umweltreferat des TU und UdK Asta
Cloth swap (please bring max. 2 pieces)
Drinks provided by Freitagsrunde

To get started right away, you can register for the Berlin Autofrei building workshop "Seating instead of parking" at the following link.
Note: In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the foyer of the concert hall Hardenbergstraße/corner Fasanenstraße of the UdK.

We are looking forward to seeing you!