Campus Climate Gardens Charlottenburg: The raised garden beds are now ready for planting

Message from Campus Climate Gardens Charlottenburg:

Sunny spring greetings ! 
The raised beds are now ready for construction...  

We have now screwed together all outer and inner parts of the raised beds ( see photos in the appendix ) ! 

In the meantime some boards for the tables and seats have been primed.  

The pick-up of the 2m³ Terra-Preta black earth in the Botanical Garden at the project has been postponed to Tuesday 16 o'clock, who wants to help with the earth shoveling and also wants to have a look at the charcoal pyrolysis plant there, please let us know again. 

Workshop times in the SE building (location see new map attached): 
Monday 11 o'clock to min 20 o'clock 
Terra-Preta Pick-up: 15:45 Meeting point BoGa entrance Am Fichtenberg 17, map attached or online:
Tuesday 11 o'clock to min 20 o'clock 
Wednesday 11 am to min 20 pm

You can tell your friends, work & study colleagues* about it, 
so that there are always many people to help ! 
Even if you only have 1 to 2 hours a day, this supports the CampusGärten ! 
if you help with the building, you can choose a campus high bed for gardening ;-) 

Besides coffee and tea we also have beer in the SE building at the start of the construction of the raised beds. 

CampusGärten~Werkstatt in the SE building, just a stone's throw from the BIB, see 
-> OSM card or new card in appendix :

We can always use further tools (especially cordless screwdrivers and drills)...

We are also looking for more usable "waste wood" as a donation!!!