Projects accounting

Here you will find all the necessary forms to prepare the settlement of your project application.

Please read the instructions and the checklist in the link list carefully so that you can be sure to receive the funding you have been promised. 

If you have any questions, please contact:


We have promised you to fund your project. And now?

  •  If you want to buy consumable materials such as pens, paints, props, etc. up to a maximum of 150,- EUR , then you can buy them in the store and ideally pay in cash. You then submit the original receipts with the application for refund (“Erstattungsantrag”) and get your expenses refunded.
  • If you want to order consumable material such as pens, paints, props, etc. up to a maximum of 150,- EUR online, enter the title of your project and "AStA UdK project funding" after your name as the billing address (“Rechnungsadresse”). In addition to the invoice (“Rechnung”), we also need the corresponding account statement (“Kontoauszug”). You submit everything together with the application for refund (“Erstattungsantrag”).
  • If you need consumable materials that individually cost more than 150,- EUR, we will order them for you. Single also means: You need 100 times the same pen, which costs 2 euros each. You have to fill out our order form (“Bestellformular”) beforehand and obtain at least three written offers (“Angebote”) proving that you have chosen the cheapest or at least not the most expensive one according to what you individually need for your project. . If you have any further questions, please contact
  • You also use the order form (“Bestellformular”) if we have agreed to support permanent purchases (technical stuff, musical instruments, etc.). Note that the purchases must be handed over to us after your project since they were bought at our expense. If you have any further questions, please contact if you have any further questions about the appropriateness and sustainability of purchases.
  • Would you like to have flyers / posters being printed? Then you have to fill out our order form (“Bestellformular”) beforehand and obtain at least three written offers (“Angebot”).
  • You can only make the order by yourself and pay in advance if the flyers / posters cost less than 150,- EUR or if this is matter of copies made in a copy shop. You then use the application for refund (“Erstattungsantrag”). When you receive an invoice, enter the title of your project and "AStA UdK-Projektförderung" as the invoice address after your name. 
  • Do you have to transport something or should travel costs be covered? We have to approve these costs before we start. Use the form for transport and travel costs (“Transport- und Fahrtkosten-Formular”). If you have an further questions contact therefore
  • Have we promised to take over rental costs for a stage or a studio? Send us the rental offer before signing the contract so that we can check whether we can promote it. 
Do you want to pay people (craftsmen, workshop leaders, designers)? We have to commission the people for you and we need the Honorarvertragsantrag application for this.

The decisive factor for the settlement of accounts are not the costs of individual items, but the total sum of the submitted receipts, invoices, etc. If the total sum of your individual expenses submitted at the end of the project period exceeds the approved project grant, you will only receive the approved sum in full and bear the additional costs on your own. If you submit less, you will be paid the lower total amount according to the receipts and invoices you submitted.

The simplest and most uncomplicated solution is to submit all documents together at the end of your project term, especially since it would save everyone involved the extra work in processing the funds. According to the project funding guidelines, this project duration is up to half a year with the possibility of an extension.

Please contact us if you have any further questions:

All documents are to be submitted in the original by post to: 
AStA-Referat der Finanzen


Hardenbergstraße 33, Raum 9