Project Fund AStA

AStA UdK Berlin gives grants for cultural activities of independent groups. We place particular value on projects that are extracurricular and interdisciplinary.  Our criteria for giving out the funding are your idea, its implementation, and that as many UdK Berlin students as possible benefit directly or indirectly from it. Get in touch!

Department for social affairs


Do you want to shoot a movie?

Organize a concert? a seminar? an exhibition?

The AStA offers grants for cultural activities of students.
Mostly we are interested in funding interdisciplinary work that happens indipendently from the regular study program.
We think it is important to help students to work collectively.
We like to fund projects that other UdK students take advantage of.

Students can present their projects in the meetings of AStA.
It is important that the proposal considers our guidelines .

For a successfull application they should not forget to send a filled in application form for project funding and financial plan and a short exposé (ca. 1/2 DIN-A4-page) to the Social Deparment of AStA in advance.

What kind of projects do receive funding?

interdisciplinary group projects that engage in cultural and social fields.


  • projects with students of other universities and schools
  • projects that are open for UdK students 
  • we can give grants to people outside the university if their project benefits UdK students directly

Which projects do receive a grant?
We dont fund projects that are relevant for exams.

What to do to get funding?
Send the filled out formular plus calculation of the costs
It makes sense to read the checklist.

At the meeting you have a timeslot of up to 5 minutes to present your project.
Use 1 minute to describe it
and the rest of the time to list the requirements.
Members of AStA will ask questions.

How often can you apply?
You can apply once for every project.
If your application is rejected, you cannot apply again with the same project.

Can you apply after the project took place?
You have to apply before the project takes place.  

Other project-funding Options:
The FSRK supports projects of students of the UdK as usual and we ask you to also have a look at the offer of the FSRK to estimate which suits your project-funding needs more.

Other project funds

  • ask your own student council (Fachschaftsräte)if they fund projects!
  • Interflugs
    Interflugs is a self-organized student organization at the UdK Berlin. For almost 30 years, Interflugs has been operating as an umbrella organization for different projects initiated by students. Alongside students and teachers, and in communication with artists and cultural organizations, Interflugs acts independently and critically to open up space for all manners of discussion, artistic disciplines and self-education initiatives that go beyond or counteract the education machinery of UdK. Interflugs is organized in rotating sub-groups, running departments such as the equipment loan, the editing rooms, project funding, and the organization of workshops, lectures and the free class.
  • KKWV