Student Councils’ Conference (FSRK)

z.H. AStA UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 33, Room 9
D-10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg


The protocols of the FSRK are public and can be viewed on the medienhaus/-platform. There you simply log in with your UdK login data.

Composition and Function
At least two times per semester, all student councils of the UdK Berlin meet at the Student Councils’ Conference (FSRK, Fachschaftsrätekonferenz).
At the beginning of each calendar year, the money UdK Berlin gives to the students of each course of study is distributed among the councils. A part of this money stays in a general fund, from which the FSRK can fund projects.

In addition, the FSRK is a platform for the exchange of current topics inside the student body and represents students' interests towards AStA an StuPa.

The current dates of the FSRK can be found on the starting page.

Project Funding
From the general fond FSRK keeps, it is funding interdisciplinar projects, initatives which exceed the capacities of individual student councils and projects of students who do not belong to one of the Student Councils.

All information on this funding can be found at Projektförderung durch die FSRK