
You can find the AStA protocols on the medienhaus/-platform (LINK). There you can easily log in with your usual UdK login data.

If you have any questions or comments, please write to buero@asta-udk-berlin.de

The meetings of the General Student Committee are open to the public. This means that all students may attend without registration. The dates are usually:

Lecture period: every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., room 009d, Hardenbergstraße 33 and online (link will be provided upon request).
Semester break: twice a month, room 009d, Hardenbergstraße 33

The exact dates can be found on the starting page
If you want to discuss a specific topic, please contact one of the AStA departments before the meeting. You can find the responsibilities and the mail addresses here.

The protocols record what we discuss at our meetings, who was present and what decisions (resolutions) we make. Some parts of the protocols are non-public: this is everything that falls under data protection (personal data, for example) and internal strategy meetings, for example. The rest of the protocol is public and therefore available for you to see.

We upload the protocols on the medienhaus/-platform. You can also find the protocols of the FSRK (Fachschaftsrätekonferenz) there.