Department of Finances

Sonja Brunsmann

  • Responsible for:
    Settlements of fee and work contracts, all kinds of applications (projects, social, reimbursement, etc.), invoices, ordering and tendering procedures
  • Representing the AStA among others in:
    the Budget committee of the UdK

see also: budget


Most of our financial documents can be filled out as PDF files on the computer. We recommend using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader© for this purpose.

Signing documents electronically is permitted in justified exceptional cases. Likewise, these documents can be sent as a scan by e-mail to for processing.

You can also send the documents by mail or hand them in at any porters' lodge of the UdK Berlin in an envelope with the address below or in a UdK circulation folder with the abbreviation "Ha33 AStA FinRef". Please submit documents in full only to:

AStA University of the Arts Berlin
Department of Finances
Hardenbergstraße 33
D-10623 Berlin

If you have any further questions or need help filling out the form, please contact the Head of the Deparment of Finances.

This Dapartment controls and generates the budget of the student body, and coordinates the budgeting of the Money of each student council.

It represents the gateway between student representatives and the budget (Haushalt) of the central administration of the University.

The finance department also deals with the burocracy of project and social funding.

Other Tasks are:

  • Participation of the weekly AStA Meeting, monthly StuPa Meeting and regular commitees of UdK. Engegement with current issues of university politics.
  • Representation of the AStA out- and inside the University