Department for Higher Education Politics (External Affairs)

Loran Muhamed

  • Responsible for:
    semester ticket
    networking between student bodies of different universities

Represents the AStA at:

  • Academic Senate
  • Extended Academic Senate
  • University Council
  • Centre for Artistic Teacher Education
  • Faculty Council Music
  • Jazz Institute Berlin


  • follows actively and critically the current Developements of the debate about tuition fees in Germany, as well as the study financing (Hochschulvertragsverhandlungen und die demokratischen Strukturen der Hochschulorganisation auf landespolitischer Ebene)
  • follows the developement and outcomes of the council of sciences and research from the Berliner Abgeordnetenhauses
  • Supervision of the Semesterticket Negotiations
  • Cooperation and communication with all student representatives but also with other groups with similar activities outside the universities.
  • Participation to the weekly AStA Meeting, monthly StuPa Meeting and regular commitees of UdK. Engegement with current issues of university politics.
  • Representation of the AStA out- and inside the University