
The next StuPa meetings are:
@Fasanenstraße 1B, Raum 208
@Hardenbergerstraße 33, Raum 9
Online, Webex

Agenda Items and Minutes for Thursday, 15.02.24, 6:00 PM in HH33, Room 009

Dear StuPa, dear FSRs, and invited guests,

We are sending you the agenda items for the upcoming StuPa meeting, the last one before the semester break.

Please also review the revised version of the minutes for accuracy. Is anyone available to write or proofread the minutes on Thursday? Please email us if you can help.

Here are the agenda items for our 4th meeting:

TOP 00: Vote on Minutes Please review the revised version of the minutes from the last regular and extraordinary meetings attached.

TOP 1: Updates from Committees, Commissions, Bodies, FSRK 6:00 PM - 6:20 PM

TOP 2: Proposal from the Department of BK: Student Statement on W2 Professorship (Painting / Naprushkina/Husain - Succession to Held) Support from Stupas requested 6:20 PM - 6:35 PM

TOP 3: Session Language Access to language, university politics, and sustainability in StuPa meetings and participants. 6:35 PM - 6:50 PM

TOP 4: Working Structure of StuPa Overview, review, and outlook 6:50 PM - 7:15 PM

TOP 5 Session Rotation Discussion on whether weekdays should be rotated to avoid the same individuals always being absent. 7:00 PM - 7:20 PM

TOP 6: Process and Procedure of Departmental Advertisements and Elections Clarification from the last meeting on anonymization and assistance in disseminating job postings. 7:20 PM - 7:35 PM

-- BREAK --

Palestine/Israel Part 1: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
TOP 8: Proposal from the last meeting: "Against any anti-Semitism at UdK Berlin - for a discrimination-free study environment"
TOP 9: Amendment 1: "StuPa opposes UdK's one-sided statement on the political situation in Israel and Palestine"
TOP 10: Amendment 2: "Combatting anti-Semitism at UdK in relation to freedom of speech - Criticism of IHRA and measures for anti-discrimination work"
Chair's suggestion: After deliberation and speech portions for each proposal, the decisions will be voted on consecutively.

Palestine/Israel Part 2: 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM
TOP 11: Proposal from the last meeting: "Combatting anti-Semitism at UdK in relation to freedom of speech - Criticism of IHRA and measures for anti-discrimination work"
TOP 12: Statement: "Empathy and solidarity on campus - International and humanitarian law worldwide"

For political discussions on anti-Semitism, Palestine solidarity, the war in Gaza & Israel, please read the proposals and engage in a sensitive and respectful discussion. We also attach communication guidelines developed during workshops with Alejandra Nieves Camacho. If you have specific concerns or needs regarding the discussion and voting, feel free to contact us so that we can take them into account. StuPa meetings are generally open to all students, but we will set speech portions at the beginning to provide a framework.