
Seit 2019 organisiert sich das Studierendenparlament in Ausschüssen, die sich eigenständig treffen, an den jeweiligen Themen arbeiten und diese dann ins StuPa tragen. Die Arbeit in den Ausschüssen ist für alle Mitglieder der UdK offen. Jeder Ausschuss arbeitet thematisch mit mindestens einem Referat im AStA zusammen und hat jeweils eine:n eigenen Ansprechpartner:in.

Budget Committee

Contact person: Ana Begic 

The Budget Committee is responsible for drawing up the student body's budget for each financial year in cooperation with the Department of Finance.


Committee for University Policy

Contact person: Jonas Schäfer

The University Policy Committee deals with current university policy issues within and outside the UdK. The committee participates in the LandesAstenKonferenz (LAK) and is in close contact with the Department of Higher Education Policy of the External Affairs Department.


Committee for Sustainability and Climate Crisis

Contact person: Ellen Riechmann


The Sustainability and Climate Crisis Committee works closely with the UdK's student initiatives, such as the Climate Class and UdK for Future, and the Department for Sustainability and Climate Justice. The focus is particularly on topics such as establishing the climate crisis in teaching and institutions and cooperation with other Berlin universities and initiatives.

Committee for Intercultural Diversity, Empowerment and Anti-Discrimination

Contact person: Taufiq El-Mokdad


The Committee on Intercultural Diversity, Empowerment and Anti-Discrimination deals with intersectionality. In particular, the focus is on combating racism and classism within the parliament and within the UdK. This committee is in close contact with the Committee for Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Departments of External Affairs and Internal Affairs for anti-discrimination. To date, the committee has also acted as an internal control body in order to achieve the common goal of combating discriminatory structures in the StuPa.

Committee for Social Affairs and Equality

Contact person: Marie Schwebe 


The Committee for Social Affairs and Equality is particularly concerned with combating sexism, gender equality and accessibility within the UdK. This committee is in close contact with the Committee for Intercultural Diversity, Empowerment and Anti-Discrimination and the Departments for Anti-Discrimination of the External and Internal Affairs. To date, the committee has also acted as an internal supervisory body in order to achieve the common goal of combating discriminatory structures in the StuPa.


Committee for Communication, Digitalization and Interdisciplinarity

Contact person: 


The Committee for Communication, Digitalization and Interdisciplinarity deals in particular with topics of internal communication and the digitalization of teaching, research and institutions at the UdK. In doing so, the committee is in close contact with the Department of Communication & Eigenart and the Department of Networking & Interdisciplinarity.