Application for Exemption

H 2130a-2133
Straße des 17. Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg


Tel: +49 030 314 28038
Fax: +49 030 314 28162

Postal Address
Technische Universität Berlin
I A STB Semesterticketbüro
Straße des 17. Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin 


In principle all the students of the UdK Berlin are obligated to pay for the semester ticket. Yet, in certain cases, you are automatically exempted from the obligation. In this case, the Immatriculation and Examination Office (German: Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt, IPA) will settle the issue. No further attention is needed.

Yet, there are also other reasons that you may need to fill in the form for requesting for exemption. (German: Befreiungsantrag) and bring along the relevant documents/proofs to the Semester ticket office. In these cases are regulated in accordance to the semester ticket’s constitution.

Under the following circumstances, the IPA is responsible for the exemptions:

Students who are not the members of the UdK Berlin or students body (side students, guest students)

Students who are immitraculated in another university in Berlin or Brandeburg and pay their fees in another university (double matriculation)


Severely disabled persons who own a disability certificate which proves his/her entitlements to a free transportation → The IPA will not settle the issue for you automatically. A color copy of your disability certificate (German: Behindertenausweis) is needed to be handed in to the IPA. This procesure has to be done for one time only.

Under the following circumstances, the semester ticket office will exempt the obligation for one or more semesters upon request:

1) Students who are sick/disabled, hence not being able to use public transportation in the semester (Doctor certificate needed)

2) Students who are living outside of the area of Berlin Zone ABC because of study-related reasons (For example, exchange semester in a foreign country)

3) Students in supplementary, additional, postgraduate courses, in part-time study, further education, postgraduate courses, doctoral students or further study opportunities.

4) Students who are taking a semester off. Attention: If you submit the application after the beginning of the semester, you will no longer be reimbursed for partial months of validity.


In the case of exmatriculation during the current semester, one-sixth of the semester ticket contribution will be reimbursed for each full month that the ticket is no longer used. This refund is regulated by the IPA. The time of the return of the student ID is decisive.

Enrollment after the beginning of the semester

Anyone who is enrolled more than one full month after the start of the semester, will be reimbursed one sixth of the semester ticket fee for each full month that the ticket could not be used. You must come to the semester ticket office and make an application for this refund.


Attention: Anyone who is exempted from the contribution obligation, will not possess a semester ticket. The student ID card will not be marked "VBB Semesterticket" and will not be valid as a travel document.

Those who submit their application for exemption only after the end of the re-registration deadline, usually have to pay the semester ticket first and you may receive the fee back after the approval of your application. Please submit the application at least 3 weeks before the deadline of re-registration date to make sure your application will proceeded in time. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the application will be done in time.