STUPA Election 2019

Studentischer Wahlvorstand (StudWV)
c/o AStA UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 33, Raum 9
D-10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg


You are also welcome to contact the StuPa Chairperson or the AStA if you have any questions.

Downloads (in German only)

StuPa-Election 2019
on 26. und 27. November 2019

Election Notice(German only)


Application Formula (German)

The student parliament is the place where we can have a say in the future of the UdK. Here we discuss, argue, spin and make plans. The StuPa meets monthly and votes on the ideas of its members. These ideas are developed together in committees, which also meet once a month. Which committees there are decides with which interests you apply.

In addition, the StuPa decides which people come to the AStA. The AStA supports the StuPa and helps with the implementation of decisions.

The StuPa membership runs for one year. The meetings always take place on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., the committees plan their meetings independently.
The meeting dates are: 04 Dec (premeeting) - 11 Dec (constituent meeting) - 15 Jan 2020 - 05 Feb - 22 Apr - 13 May - 10 Jun - 08 Jul - 28 Oct - 18 Nov

If you want to take part in shaping the UdK and have ideas about what has to and should change at the UdK, apply for the student parliament until 19.11.!

Application Formula (German)


The election period is 26-27 November 2019 (2 days) at following locations:

Tuesday, 26 Nov, 12-16:00:
Hardenbergstraße 33, Entrance area
Medienhaus Grunewaldstraße 2-5, Entrance area
Mierendorffstraße 30, Entrance area between the stairs 
Bundesallee 1-12, Entrance area
Lietzenburger Straße 45, Entrance area
Fasanenstraße 1B, Entrance area
Straße des 17. Juni 118, Entrance area

Wednesday, 27 Nov, 12-16:00:
Hardenbergstraße 33, Entrance area
Medienhaus Grunewaldstraße 2-5, Entrance area
Mierendorffstraße 30, Entrance area between the stairs
Bundesallee 1-12, Entrance area

Since it is not possible to set up polling stations in all locations of the UdK, you can also apply for postal voting. Just send us an email until 19.11.2019 to with the subject "BRIEFWAHL" and the following dates:
- full name
- student number
- course of studies
- postal address 

The envelope we will send you must be back with us by 4 p.m. on 27.11.2019. You can either send it by post, bring it by personally, hand it in at the gate of Hardenbergstraße 33 or hand it in at an election location on the election days.

Studentischer Wahlvorstand
c/o AStA UdK Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 33
10623 Berlin

(English is only for reference, in case of disputes, German version shall prevail)