Bonnie Cheng
Department for Communication and Eigenart
We would like to inform you about our current open call for the AStA Magazine Eigenart. The theme is ‘Let’s talk about difficulties’. The Eigenart will be published at Rundgang 2019.
Whether text based, visual or other, share your thoughts with us. Send us your contributions on the topic ‘Let’s talk about difficulties’ for Eigenart, the AStA UdK Berlin Magazine to No matter in which language. Deadline: 5. Juni 2019.
In addition:
1) For a photo series we are looking for soft toys. Do you have a stuffed toy at home and you don’t mind sharing your story of you and your stuffed toy? We would love to have photos of her/him/it as well. Please contact
2) New in Town? For short interviews we are looking for students who have moved to Berlin from another city within the last few years and return there regularly (eg. Because their family lives there) We’d be happy to hear from you: +49 1772406697.
3) If you need help with your difficulties, the AStA can support you on topics of discrimination ( or socially and financially (