Bündnis Soforthilfe für Studierende
The AStA of the UdK Berlin supports Bündnis Soforthilfe für Studierende n connection with the petition.
For students who find themselves in a financial emergency situation due to loss of income, the federal government must provide immediate aid of 3000 euros from 30 March onwards without a prior means test.
In the event of subsequent determination of need, the Federal Government will bear the costs of the emergency aid. In the case of non-neediness, the payment is converted into an interest-free loan which is due at the end of 10 years.
It has been suggested that a disbursement of the money should be handled in an uncomplicated manner via the KfW online procedure. The system must be fully functional and accessible by 30 March at the latest so that affected students can pay their running costs at the beginning of April.
More information at: https://studi-soforthilfe-corona.org/
Sign the petition at: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/soforthilfe-fuer-studierende-jetzt
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