A project by students for students: Ateliertausch UdK

!!!! A project by students for students !!!!

Would you like to leave your beloved studio space/exercise room/work table/favourite window space at the UdK to someone else for one day or longer and exchange it for something even better? And - en passant - get to know new people, work mentalities, atmospheres?

Cross-faculty! Across classes!
1. form fill out and by Mail to ateliertausch@gmx.de - the more attractive, the more exchange offers! 
2. come to the meeting on 12.6. (or wait for offers by mail)
3. in case you miss the dates - no problem, the project will be continued!

Formula: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Af88a2e84-16c8-452d-9787-86e34765e474&fbclid=IwAR3drut-5sfdpGq51eB63xGbBe9ttAXdx-utWZRycsEEHWciN6Z5IXDOGRY

Best regards, your studio exchange team
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ateliertausch-UdK-317250239166785