I.D.A. (*Intersectionality *Diversity *Antidiscrimination)
Autonomous University Initiative of the Berlin University of the Arts
If you have any questions/want to talk or want to join I.D.A, just write us an email to ida@asta-udk-berlin.de. We are looking forward to build this network with you!
EMAIL: ida@asta-udk-berlin.de
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/ida.udk/

I.D.A is an autonomous student initiative with the goal of an easily accessible student network.
We determine university policy processes in the context of intersectionality,
diversity and anti-discrimination and organize educational offers in the form of seminars and workshops e.g. on anti-racism, LGBTQIA+ & BIPoC empowerment.
Our goal is to establish a space and infrastructure for mutual support between students of the UdK Berlin.
So far, the core group consisted of regular students, people from Intercultural Mentoring (IKM), the AStA's anti-discrimination representatives and support from Interflugs.
We believe that our School of the Arts should heighten its senses of intersectionality, diversity, and anti-discrimination at all levels, teaching and administration, content-wise and structural.
We demand an inclusive understanding of belonging.
We demand that BIPoC students be better represented in higher education policy.
We need reforms to higher art education.
Want to join I.D.A.? Feel free to write to us!
Each person is free to decide to what extent they want to get involved. We are happy if you are motivated to support us in our current projects.
Racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or other discriminatory attitudes are undesirable and will not be tolerated.
Workshops, Articles, and Statements from I.D.A.
Article about I.D.A. in the student magazine eigenart
Episode with I.D.A. on the student podcast Entspannt Provokant
Measures for Gender Equity in the UdK