Psychological Counselling

Dear students,

The pandemic is a stressful challenge for all of us. The stresses and strains of everyday pandemic life - such as isolation, financial burdena, fears for the future, grief for loved ones - can have a severe impact on mental well-being and leave scars that are sometimes invisible. We would therefore like to pay particular attention to the mental health of the student body.

We have compiled some resources for support below. You can contact the listed counseling centers at any time:

Berliner Krisendienst , by phone (24h, free of charge), phone numbers are assigned to the districts, see website

Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling of the Studierendenwerk: , phone (030) 93939 8401, (030) 93939 8438. One of the counseling centers is located in the Mensa building in Hardenbergstraße.

Telephone counselling (Protestant/Catholic) Tel. 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222, 116 123, Mail:

Muslim telephone counselling service, ,
Tel. 030 44 35 09 821

Berlin Chamber of Psychotherapists:

Psychotherapist search of the KV Berlin:

Offers of the universities:

Outpatient Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Charité: , Tel. +49 30 450 517 002

Psychotherapy in the outpatient clinic of the HU: , Tel. (030) 20 93 - 99 100, Mail

University outpatient clinic of the FU: , Tel. +49 30 838 56345, Mail

Office for Psychological Counseling at the UdK
If you have any questions or need any other support, please feel free to contact us.

Your AStA of the UdK Berlin