Room 9

Raum 9, Hardenbergstraße 33
D-10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg


How to get here
S+U Zoologischer Garten + ca. 10 min. by foot
U Ernst-Reuter-Platz + ca. 10 min. by foot
Bus Steinplatz + ca. 2 min. by foot

Bookings of Room 9
Room 9 at Hardenbergstraße 33 is the place where the AStA office is located. Apart from that there is a conference room that can be used by UdK students for self-organised workshops, lectures, group meetings or other events.

For example the meetings of Studierendenparlament and FSRK take place here.

In order to book room 9 please write an email to with the subject „Raum 9“ and the following information:
– Name, course of studies, enrollment number (Matrikelnummer)
– Phone number
– Group/initiative if relevant
– How you want to use the room

We will issue you a card for the available time frame with which you can take the electronic key from the doorwoman*doorman.

Equipment of room 9
Capacity: ca. 40 persons
20 modular tables
40 chairs
1 Dell projector
1 Teufel soundsystem (4.0)