Department for Student Employees
Veronika Haas
E-Mail: personal[ät]
Responsible for:
Representation of student assistants (SHK) at the UdK Berlin:
- Representation and advice centre for student employees at the UdK Berlin
- Arbitration proceedings between student employees and their area of employment
- Discussing the implementation of the contract or individual cases with the department
Internally in the StuPa/Asta
- Proof of employment for (former) Asta and StuPa members
Represents the AStA at
- Commission for the Libraianship
- Administrative Board of Studierendenwerk Berlin
- UdK 2030
• Representation and advisory service for students employees in UdK Berlin
• Issuance of work certificates at the request of student employees
• Conduct mediation between student employees and their department of employment
• Convening of a staff meeting for student employees per semester
• Evaluation of statistics on the number and hours of all student employees employed per semester, as well as their gender and nationality
• Discussion of the implementation of the contract or individual cases with the department per semester
Consultation hours by appointment by e-mail @AStA Office Room 9