About this Website

according to § 5 TMG

AStA UdK Berlin
Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss der Universität der Künste Berlin
General Students’ Committee of the Berlin University of the Arts

Hardenbergstraße 33
D-10623 Berlin

Email: buero@asta-udk-berlin.de

Telephone: +49 030 3185 2464

The General Students’ Committee (AStA) of Universität der Künste Berlin is the acting executive board of the student self-administration (subordinate part of a public corporation according to § 18 BerlHG). Besides Student Parliament and the Students’ Plenary Assembly it is one of the central institutions of the constituted student body.

Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) is a corporation under public law as well as a state institution. It is being legally represented by the president. 

Management and Editing
The Department of Communication of AStA UdK Berlin is responisble for the management of this website.
Email: kommunikation@asta-udk-berlin.de

The single AStA departments, the Student Parliament, the Student Councils and other facilities are themselves responsible for the content of their pages. Contact persons are listed on the relevant pages or can be requested respectivly.

Dipl.-Des. Fabian Wohlfart
Website: www.fabianwohlfart.com

Legal Notice
This website’s purpose is only to provide general information. In spite of careful verifications, AStA UdK Berlin does not take responsibilty for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided on the website. This also applies to the content of external websites linked to this site via direct and indirect hyperlinks and which can not be influenced by AStA UdK Berlin. The Student Parliament, Student Councils and other facilities are themselves responsible for offers submitted on their pages.

The content on this website and its parts (e.g. layout, images, graphics, etc.) is protected by copyright. The copying and/or distribution of the content of this website is only allowed in the case of prior, written permission by AStA UdK Berlin.